Friday, August 14, 2009

Back from hiatus

OK, so it's not a full re-launch like I promised. But after a busy summer, I figured too much time had gone by and it's time to get back in the groove. So while we haven't been redesigned just yet, there are a few changes:
  • From now on, I'm going to try to keep posts in one of a few categories: personal finance, work & career and consumer/spending.
  • Tags: I'll still use multiple tags for each post, but every post will include at least one of those categories from above in order to make them easier for you to find. So for example, if I'm writing about a change that will affect Visa card users, I'll tag it "credit cards, visa, consumer/spending".
  • Also, I'm making the blog more visually appealing by using a photo next to every post.

I hope you enjoy.

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