Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hi. I'm unemployed. Please tell everyone you know that I'm looking for work.

You know things are bad when people start making public appeals for employment at business luncheons. That's exactly what happened at an event I went to yesterday here in Cleveland, and watching it made me incredibly grateful that I'm gainfully employed and mostly in control of my own destiny during a bad time.

The event was sponsored by a group called Society for Urban Professionals (SOUP for short) and it was pretty much your run-of-the-mill shake-hands-and-hand-out-cards type of deal. That is until the end of the program when they asked if anyone had any announcements. A woman walked from the back of the room, took the podium, stated her name and said "I'm in the job market."

The room went silent, and for the next three minutes she explained her skills and qualifications, her enthusiasm for work and without sounding like she was begging, made an appeal to pass on her email address to anyone who might need her services. It was ballsy, and it was telling about just how far we've dipped in this economy.


Antionette said...

Wow! No kidding? Hey you need to respond to my messages too..:op

Lechelle said...

It's bad out here. That was a bold move on her part and I respect her hussle. I hope she gets employment soon.

Mia6998 said...

She might have impressed someone in the room by doing that. Especially if she explained her skills well.

Personally I don't think I would or could do that. But again, when push comes to shove no one really knows what they will or won't do.

I think my network is big enough that I would be okay. And I'm still young and single so I'm willing to move anywhere. I'm not tied down as some people are.

Unknown said...

No risk no reward...